Making Wedding Photo Booth Props with Cricut (Free SVGS)
For my nieces wedding recently, I was in charge of the photo booth props. We had a few on hand, but I wanted to make some "extras". This is what I came up with (Mostly free files) For the sign, I used a 16x20 canvas, painted it black, and added 651 white vinyl. Quick and Easy! The font is Obelix Pro, the camera silhouette is from google images For the mustache, I either uploaded one or used one of the KG GFlavor and Font ones shown below - I can't remember. Then I made a rectangle, unlocked the rectangle to make it thin, and added it below the mustache and welded it so it cut as one piece. On Dafont, if you type "KG Flavors & Frames" in the search box, you will find 7 fonts that have a great variety of frames to work with - great for making photo booth props! I used KG Flavors & Frames FOUR and typed the letter J for this shape, which I used a lot: The font I used is Garlic Butter - one of the week...