Geocaching in 2017 Highlights

A Quick Look At Our Favorite Geocaches & Geocaching Experiences in 2017

323 Geocaches found in 2017
    We ended the year with 2,055 finds

10 Geocaches Hidden in 2017
     Unfortunately, 5 of them had to be removed with the park was closed to the public a few months later.  We've had to replace a lot of our older caches this year - some repeatedly, some we moved to make them less likely to need repeatedly replaced.  

  First Cito
  2000th Geocache Found (it took us 11 years!)
Fire Safety - one of WVTim's Smart Gadget Caches

  First Intercache (I like these so much more than wherigos - and I love wherigos!)

We completed the Smart Gadget Trail WV.

Events Attended: 9
   NEPAG 10th Anniversary Event
   Oswego Cito (Great group of people, nicely organized, great caches nearby)
  Stoned In A Flash Pa (flash mob in conjunction with ASPGB)
  ASPGB Bonfire Meet & Greet
  Stoned In A Flash (Another ASPGB flash mob)
   ASPGB (We attend every few years - love this event - GREAT location!)
 I Scream You Scream For Canada (Schulykill Cachers, great group, great location)
 Your Kids Won't Be Up Anyway (quick & simple local event )
  Fall Fest 2017 (We happened to be in the area - only 2 of us showed up for this)

We missed the Haunted Meto event in New Jersey this year - that's another one of our favorites!

States Cached In: 7
 Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Texas West Virginia & that one cache in the Denver Airport. Colorado is the only new state we have a cache in this year, the other states we have gotten before.

Favorite Caches Found in 2017

This one was hysterical.  We were traveling, and had not known about this in advance, so we were completely unprepared.  No truck, no ladder...  but we did have a hot dog stick (for cooking over the campfire) a regular magnetic extender tool in our geobag, a large umbrella and a pair of gloves that functioned as rope to tie things together.  (these pics are before we added the umbrella...)

A fun container.  This was an urban multi stage cache.


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