Cricut - Old Truck Mailbox Decal
Next up in my mission to "Cricut All The Things" was our mailbox.
I started out with a couple of free truck svgs, but they needed cleaned up so much, to cut the way I wanted, that I just went to etsy and spent $1.49 for this one. It was worth the time it saved me to have a good image to work with.
When I uploaded this to design space, I uploaded the PNG file (instead of the html file). Then I simply clicked on the pumpkins, and on the words, and on the pumpkin stems, to erase all of them.
Once it was all erased, I added it to my "new project" in design space, and it wanted to make it a print and cut. If I changed it to cut, it changed the tire centers to the same color. So I chose shape, circle, and sliced the center color out of the tires.
That gave me the tires inserts in silver, as I wanted them.
Next I added our last name, and our street number - in the elephant font.
Cut our of Oracle 651 in wine red, and silver. Dollar Tree contact paper as transfer tape. The mailbox has ridges, it is not a flat surface, but that oracle 651 went on beautifully. This was the easiest project I have done yet.
For the second side, I flipped the truck, so that on our mailbox the truck faces forward on both sides of the box.
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