Genealogy Albums On Shutterfly

New to Shutterfly ? You can get a FREE 8x8 photo book - just in time for Christmas.  :-) I have one of Grandma Truckenmiller, a recipe album (Truckenmiller recipes) and a couple of other genealogy albums all premade that you can order (shipping is not free unless you spend over $39), or you can of course make your own, and when you do, I then also get another free 8x8 book.

First, sign up here:

Then click on any of the links below, if they are the albums you are looking to order.  (Or create your own! )

 The Brown Genealogy is an 8x8 album  -

Aikey Oberdorf (this is a 12x12 album - so it would not be free, but they will credit the amount of the 8x8 album towards the price)

Truckenmiller Recipe Drawer Album 8x8

The Smith Family - (this is a 12x12 album - so it would not be free, but they will credit the amount of the 8x8 album towards the price)

Mary Ellen Lewis' Photo Album - This is an 8x11 album -

You Can't Take It With You - the Watsontown Christian Academy Play -


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