How To Make a Split Monogram For A Dollar Store Tote
I bought these totes at the dollar store, knowing that I'd be able to do something with them eventually. And then I got a cricut. YAY! Now I must cricut absolutely everything, to justify the cost of this thing. :-) I knew I wanted to put a monogram on them, but I wanted to do a "split" monogram, and it took me a bit to figure out how to do that. This was the first I have used the weld and split features - I didn't even know they were there until I tackled this project. You'll find them on the bottom right of your cricut design screen. They will be faded out until you select two images at he same time. I started with a T - for Truckenmiller. 5x5 works nicely on these totes. I used the Imprint Mt Shadow font for the T. Next use the shape tool, and choose Square. Unlock the shape (bottom left) and you can stretch it into a rectangle. I like to keep the rectangle just about as wide as the letter. Now is when you "weld" ...