There Are Better Caches Than An Ammo Can In A Driveway
This weekend, to complete the first Geocaching Mission Assignment for 2016, we needed to visit a cache with 10 favorite points. Since we've found all the caches in our area, this meant at least a 40 minute drive, but we found a cache with 28 favorites and made the trip. It was an ammo can in a driveway. A very nice ammo can. It was under a very nice tree. But it was an ammo can in a driveway. In a crowded residential area. You could spot the cache when you got out of the vehicle. 28 favorite points. So with that experience in mind, here are some of my all time favorite caches. My favorite in this general area has only 19 favorite points, which makes me so sad when you remember that an ammo can in a driveway somehow merited 28. My favorite caches are usually favorites for one of 3 reasons. 1. It took me to an awesome location. 2. It was a creative container. Or 3, it was a gadget cache. I so love gadget caches. These are ...